Saturday 29 March 2014

Why "Pegasus Island"

First of all, to all the muggles out there let me explain to you what a "Pegasus" is. A Pegasus is a unicorn who can fly (If you don't know what a unicorn is, How are you even alive! But really it's just a white pony with a horn on  its head.).
Now, unicorns are these lovely mystical creatures that everybody loves. Scotland even made it their national animal! At this point, it would probably be good to tell you that I am obsessed with unicorns. I relate them to happiness and to positivity. I love being positive and am one of those people who have realised the magical power of optimism (Well, The Secret).
 But what intrigues me is, how come there are not as many Pegasus fans. I mean they have got all that unicorns have and more! They have freaking wings! Who in their right minds does not want to be able to fly!
So that is exactly what my blog is going to be about. It's going to have happy optimism with a touch of freedom and reality. I am going to rant about things that bother me but are so easily accepted by the 'society'. I am going to talk about things that I love (viz. food, books, travel, Ian Somerhalder etcetera) and the ones that I wish didn't exist. I am probably going to try to make you laugh (and miserably fail).
I hope you have a good time. Bye.
An attempt to lure you in with my (impressive) culinary skills.

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