Sunday 16 November 2014

Let's Agree to Disagree

Opinions, let's talk about them today. Everybody has a right to state their opinion, but none to impose it on another. I find it absolutely annoying when people try to force their own beliefs on others, because they think, their way is the only right way.
 If you are one of those people (intentionally or unintentionally), let me break it down for you. You are being a terrible person.

Let's take an example, the one most of us might relate to - religious beliefs.
We, first learn about religion from our parents and then the world around us. As we grow up, we realise there is much more to this 9 letter word than we'd ever imagined. Not only is it extremely vast but also thoroughly complicated. It is during this discovery stage of our religious beliefs, that we encounter the "Imposers". People who will tell you, there's only one side of the coin. You either do what they tell you is religiously right, or you'll be deep fried in a huge pot of boiling oil, after you die.
This is absolutely ridiculous, because when you make your views about whether you are a theist, an atheist or even agnostic, you do that based a series of experiences and phases that you have gone through in your life (yes, this is deep stuff!). It's life changing for most of us. But, when you are deprived of the simple pleasure of discovering it, and made to believe a prescribed set of beliefs, you end up becoming baseless. It creates a void inside you, which was to be filled with the self-discovered answers.

If the above example was too deep for you to dive into, try this: It's like forcing somebody to eat white chocolate their whole life, because you don't like the colour of dark chocolate (you racist prick!).

And this unnecessary imposition goes way beyond religion. It affects all of us in one way or another. Either it's about your career choices or your favourite flavour of Lay's (Uncle Chips, all the way!)!
 So, the next time you are, irrationally, told to do something a particular way, just listen to their opinion and do what you want to do anyway. Just make sure your mind stays your own.

Thanks for reading. Good bye & good day.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Love Yourself!

"Why does everybody not inherently love him/herself?" I have been thinking about it a lot lately, and my two year old niece gave me the answer. The conclusion I arrived at was that, we do love ourselves from the day we are born. But we are made to unlearn the art as we grow up, by the norms and the conventional definitions of what we should be like.
Rather than being accepted as we are, we are dragged into the molds of the stereotypes. And we lose our individuality.
So, in order to love ourselves again we just have to redo the learning, which is the hardest part. You have to believe that you are an amazing person. You are worthy. You can forgive yourself for your past mistakes.
You have to realise that your happiness matters more than people's acceptance. Do not misunderstand self-love as narcissism. Narcissists look down upon others, whereas people who love being themselves don't look at others with contempt.
You are the person, you have to live with for the rest of your life, and if you are not okay with yourself, it's gonna be torturous. You can never truly love someone else, if you don't love yourself, first. So, just for your own sake "Start Loving Yourself".

"Love is like a tree, you have to start at the roots."
Here a link to a perfect poem by Ashley Wylde, to describe it better for you. It has the power to change your life(for thw better).

Oh and Happy April Fool's Day! See you until next time!

Monday 31 March 2014

Cookies, Chocolates and Rainbows!

Hello! So after my second post I want to tell you how I react to such negativity around me (as I am flying unicorn).
I just appreciate the hundred positive ones for each negative one. Yes, I know it sounds impossible, like how could you possibly ignore all those assholes but it just needs perspective and practice. Either you could go into a corner and complain about all the wrong things that you keep noticing or you could just remove the blinders and look around. There is so much good happening around you that you'll be surprised.
For every person that puts you down there are 10 who believe in you. For every one idiot that objectifies women there is a feminist who treats them as equals. For every stupid, ignorant jerk there are 5 intelligent, aware individuals. Yeah, you get the gist.
The world is full of awesomeness! All you need to do is look around you. Bye. See you until next time!
Here, have a cookie.

Sunday 30 March 2014

I Object!

Most of us are aware about human objectification(treating a person as an object for the 'subject's' use). Subject is the person who acts upon the object. 96% of the objectifications are suffered by (guess who!) women.
Majority wins! So, let's talk about female objectification today. There is so much to be said about this topic, that I almost had a hard time arranging my  thoughts in order. So, brace yourselves.
Now, the thought of thinking about a woman as a mere (usually sex) object is hysterically absurd. All her talents, brains, great personality(huh..who wants that) aside she first has great boobs. And everything else she has other than the great figure is just an added bonus. I know, as a woman I should find this utterly annoying and disrespectful (which it undoubtedly is) but instead I find it hilarious. Like saying Serena Williams would have been nothing without her great ass or J. K. Rowling is so fabulous because of her sexy legs!
You switch on to your favourite sitcom or the infamous item songs of Bollywood, you will see women objectified. In some advertisements you will see only parts of women's bodies being shown to advertise from deodorants to mobile phones (these Axe ads have got under my skin really). Why has it become so difficult for us to see women as people too! Some women too have become conscious about looking provocative, which is disheartening.
Why are there so less people to raise a voice for their own freedom? Why do they have to be freed?
Well, to answer my own question I have only one reason that female objectification has been accepted as normal. And little girls have been taught that their bodies are rapist magnets so the more they show of it the higher are their odds.
This is very different from finding a person sexy(again if your definition of sexy is just a good rack, go into a corner and sort your life out). Calling anybody sexy should be a complete compliment but sometimes why does it not so much feel like a compliment and seems rather creepy is because even the definition of sexy, by some, has been objectified. Appreciating physical beauty is not wrong, but thinking that, that's the only thing that makes a woman attractive, is. Well, if you ask me, there is nothing more sexy than intelligence and a great sense of humour( & the two things combined would wreck havoc). Here's a video to help you understand objectification more:
Just for the record, these are objects.

Share this or (even better) write something of your own, so that we can remind people women are people too and their personalities are as or even more impressive than their bodies. Good Bye , have a great day!

Saturday 29 March 2014

Why "Pegasus Island"

First of all, to all the muggles out there let me explain to you what a "Pegasus" is. A Pegasus is a unicorn who can fly (If you don't know what a unicorn is, How are you even alive! But really it's just a white pony with a horn on  its head.).
Now, unicorns are these lovely mystical creatures that everybody loves. Scotland even made it their national animal! At this point, it would probably be good to tell you that I am obsessed with unicorns. I relate them to happiness and to positivity. I love being positive and am one of those people who have realised the magical power of optimism (Well, The Secret).
 But what intrigues me is, how come there are not as many Pegasus fans. I mean they have got all that unicorns have and more! They have freaking wings! Who in their right minds does not want to be able to fly!
So that is exactly what my blog is going to be about. It's going to have happy optimism with a touch of freedom and reality. I am going to rant about things that bother me but are so easily accepted by the 'society'. I am going to talk about things that I love (viz. food, books, travel, Ian Somerhalder etcetera) and the ones that I wish didn't exist. I am probably going to try to make you laugh (and miserably fail).
I hope you have a good time. Bye.
An attempt to lure you in with my (impressive) culinary skills.