Tuesday 17 November 2015

An Eye for an I

The world; how do you define it? Where do the borders, that divide nearly 250 countries, come into play, when all you have to do to make a world is forget about them and see them amass? So where do you run, if the whole world is at war and you don’t know if you belong on either side of the war. Neither are you in approval of the heartless men waging it, nor are sure if the people defending would accept you readily as one of their own. Just because of one thing. That one thing that does not matter among friendships but matters the most, it seems now, at times of war: your religion.

I was born a Muslim. All that I was taught about my religion, as far back as my memory would take me,  was that it only asked you to be a good human being. Be generous to the needy; just in your actions; grateful for your blessings; kind to the elderly. Like any other religion in the world.  So it infuriates me more than it depresses me, to see these men, no, hateful devils using it as their excuse to ransack and terrorize cities even countries. All in the name of God. These delusional idiots who wish to create a staircase to heaven using corpses of innocent people as their steps. How they disregard the lives of hundreds at the expense of safety of more. As the next closest thing  (widely considered) to them, are the real followers, or even non-followers who just happen to be born in an Islamic family, of Islam, who either are ashamed, scared or aggravated.

Though, I am safe and sound in my home, city and country, I write for all those who aren’t. I plead to the world to not see us as them or them as us. They are not Muslims, they are terrorists. I know it is difficult to, with them using Islam as their shield, but once you take the step, you’ll realize how easy it was all this while. The deceased and injured, are as much our loss as yours. Because I know, there is another world for you & that is your family.

 P.S: I won’t give them the attention they beg for by using their name. This is about us not them.