Tuesday 1 April 2014

Love Yourself!

"Why does everybody not inherently love him/herself?" I have been thinking about it a lot lately, and my two year old niece gave me the answer. The conclusion I arrived at was that, we do love ourselves from the day we are born. But we are made to unlearn the art as we grow up, by the norms and the conventional definitions of what we should be like.
Rather than being accepted as we are, we are dragged into the molds of the stereotypes. And we lose our individuality.
So, in order to love ourselves again we just have to redo the learning, which is the hardest part. You have to believe that you are an amazing person. You are worthy. You can forgive yourself for your past mistakes.
You have to realise that your happiness matters more than people's acceptance. Do not misunderstand self-love as narcissism. Narcissists look down upon others, whereas people who love being themselves don't look at others with contempt.
You are the person, you have to live with for the rest of your life, and if you are not okay with yourself, it's gonna be torturous. You can never truly love someone else, if you don't love yourself, first. So, just for your own sake "Start Loving Yourself".

"Love is like a tree, you have to start at the roots."
Here a link to a perfect poem by Ashley Wylde, to describe it better for you. It has the power to change your life(for thw better).


Oh and Happy April Fool's Day! See you until next time!